The level of home security technology however must be correct. In much the same way that we all now routinely walk past and ignore a car with a blaring car alarm, burglars bypass fake alarm boxes, decoy CCTV and other cheaper ways to give the impression of security.

Residential security technology has advanced immensely as have sadly home intrusion techniques and skills and keeping up with the latest technology is important. As a bare minimum we would suggest: –

  • CCTV camera coverage across key areas of the home
  • Smart control of your home security products so that you can arm or disarm security remotely
  • Video feed functionality via smartphones
  • The ability to have CCTV recordings stored
  • Motion/light enabled technology such as outdoor lights and CCTV that is triggered by movement (ensure it is pet friendly)

Technology to one side, below are some of our tips to improve home security.

Know Your Neighbours

Society has changed and our busy lifestyles mean that we rarely stop and interact with our neighbours but they can be key assets to ensure that your home stays secure. Knowing your neighbours and them knowing your movements will always be a good step to improving residential security.

Social Media Security – Don’t Announce Where You Are

While technology in the home can without a doubt make the home more secure, other digital technologies and platforms can present a threat to your home security if not well managed. Prolific social media posters often make the mistake of documenting their everyday movements and, if their profiles do not have the right privacy settings, they are open for all and sundry to access. “Checking in” and leaving a very visible and regular pattern can make your home vulnerable as it can be easy to discern a blueprint of your movements and whereabouts. Mix in the default geotagging of your photos and posts, and the canny home invader can wait for his or her best time to drop in unannounced on your home. Major do’s and don’ts of social media include:-

  • Do ensure privacy settings are set to only allow access to your immediate social circle
  • Do not do “countdowns” to your holidays and advertise when your home will be empty
  • Do not leave a regular “check in” history that clearly has you in one location at any given day of the week

A final consideration which many overlook are the perils of setting your satnav to have a registered entry called “home”. You then loose your bunch of keys which include your car and front door keys and it can be a race for who gets back to the house first.

Where Are Your Keys, Lock That Door and Have a Security Checklist

Human error is often at fault when it comes to residential security and there is the risk of not knowing where all your keys are. Households with multiple key carriers – particularly those with children who carry keys (teenagers are not only unpredictable but have a genetic disposition to ignore risk) – can often present the biggest issues.

Colour code or keyring keys up so that taking stock of where keys are at the end of the day or beginning of the day is easier. Instil security with all family members and work on a standard pre-leaving inventory list that checks that doors are locked, windows are closed, that valuable items such as laptops, tablets and easy to grab and run items are out of sight. Common sense and technology work well together, ensuring that you have adequate residential security technology is part of the battle but must be supported by people who buy into it and apply themselves to contribute. A final but important issue to consider is key safety within your household – while key cupboards in principle make it easier, any opportunist thief will head to that key cupboard and take a spare set without you knowing or drive off with your car.

Signature Security provide a wide range of both residential security services as well as business security. Talk to our team today on 1300 655 944 to see how we can help make your home secure.