By less attractive we refer to making it less of a magnet to thieves but by no means devaluing the look and feel of your home. Below are some very common-sense suggestions.

Remove Blackspots

We all value our privacy and go to great lengths to make our homes as secluded as possible, erecting large fences, planting quick growing hedges or planting trees that shield the outside world. Find a moderate path between complete privacy and exposure because if you make your property so hidden there is the danger that you lose the first line of defence – passing cars, neighbourly eyes and the such if the thieves are hidden behind the screens you have so effectively built.

Where you are planting hedge lines consider harnessing the power of nature – find hedges that are spikey!

Keep a Well-Maintained Home

While not aiming to “bling” up your home, ensure that your home is well maintained and shows all the right signs of someone living there regularly who takes pride in their home. Signs of a poorly maintained home with hoses left out, letters uncollected, bins unemptied and the such can be an indicator that the homeowner is less than concerned about their home.

Don’t Keep up with The Joneses

At the other end of the spectrum, do not get caught up in a street for who can have the fanciest house on the street. Find a middle balance with pride in your home but resist the urge to compete for objects that may look ostentatious such as elaborately decorative lawn lights and the such.

We all take pride in our cars and where possible avoid leaving them out on display, where possible locking in a garage as burglars are known to make direct line once within your property to find the car keys.

Audit the Basics

Consider the most basic of entry points that a would-be burglar might use. Avoid doors with a central glass panel that can be easily smashed allowing the door to be opened. Do not use large cat or dog flaps that provide access.

Don’t Advertise your New Purchases

So, you’ve just bought the latest state of the art flat screen television? Don’t leave the box out on the street with a clear advert to any potential burglar.

Place CCTV Front and Central

Commercial and residential CCTV has a proven track record in deterring burglaries as well as being a very useful tool for prosecution. Where possible de-brand systems as burglars have been known to target certain systems with known vulnerabilities. Regularly check and have your security systems professionally maintained.

Signature Security are a leading business and residential security company who install CCTV and home security products. For more information please contact us on 1300 655 944.