Having the correct technology such as CCTV and smart monitoring, must be at the front of any small business security plan but below are some of Signature’s suggestions to make your business more secure.

Control Keys

Business security best practice would say that any office or small business entry should be controlled by a keyless entry system as this allows for much greater management as to who can enter the premises. This also ensures that lost keys do not become a future security threat. Where traditional keys must be used, ensure that any keys circulated to staff should be “Do Not Copy Keys” that locksmiths will know not to copy – this avoids any security integrity question when and if an employee leaves the company.

Clear Terms in Employee Contracts & Staff Education

Whether you opt for the traditional or keyless entry options, contracts need to be watertight with all employees and outline the potential disciplinary or legal route that may have to be taken when and if an employee:

  • Loses keys
  • Shares access codes
  • Shares keyless entry system

Security must be at the forefront of every employee and regular updates on the measures to keep a business secure should be made.

Monitor Entry Points

Entry and exit points are often the weakest security areas and ensuring that CCTV covers these areas is paramount. In addition to technology, common sense measures such as having a Guest registry should be provided.

Lock Down Items

While not that easy within a retail environment and more applicable to offices, ensure that any IT equipment is correctly tagged and registered within a central inventory. Laptops can be secured physically and where possible use smart water that leaves a traceable but non-visible forensic signature that can be used to trace any potential perpetrators.

Comply with Data Laws

All small businesses must ensure that any security measures they place comply with the law and this is particularly the case with CCTV. Under Australian law, small businesses that use CCTV must comply with Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and this generally – but not exclusively – means that business owners must display warnings that the premises are covered by CCTV. Businesses should also take legal advice on advising employees how and where they may be monitored.

Avoid Dead/Dark Areas

Seek professional advice when it comes to installing CCTV from a professional security firm that will be able to audit your premises and ensure that there are no dead spots in coverage. Lighting is also of extreme importance as poorly lit areas can make your business security vulnerable.

Be Flexible

Today, there is little excuse to not have 24/7 business security in place. With the internet and mobile data packages readily available, business security technology should be controllable remotely and with cloud storage very much accessible to most businesses, CCTV footage should be securely stored should you need to roll back any key date and investigate any issues.

Signature Security provide a wide range of both business security services as well as residential security. Talk to our team today on 1300 655 944 to see how we can help make your business safer.